SRE | DevOps in Abalia (contractor in Roche) 01/2022-Current
- Managing the Rundeck instance within Roche (the pharmaceutical company) where about 3.000 jobs are executed daily: Deploying CI/CD pipeline that deploy Rundeck in Kubernetes with Ansible and Jenkins and improving Rundeck performance within a Kubernetes cluster reaching an SLI of 99.97.
- Enriched Rundeck by integrating with ServiceNow and Hashicorp Vault by creating custom plugins using Python and bash.
- Helping users automate their processes with Rundeck, organizing demo days for users and writing the guidelines.
- Designed and developed a web app development: ticket auto dispatch for Service Now. This application automatically assigns the most suitable person to resolve each incident from among all those available on the team, reducing ticket assignment time by 90%. It is a Django dockerize application, with asynchronous tasks. Technologies used: Python, Django, Javascript, Docker, Nginx, Celery.